Mighty Monday: Wonder Woman

It’s Mighty Monday with with Wonder Woman! There’s actually a rosetta in the background of the chocolate sketching! I’m using a new pitcher with a more curved out spout, so the foam pours out easier than with my rigid spout pitcher. I don’t feel like I have to “throw” the foam when I’m pouring out …

TARDIS Tuesday: Amy Pond

I’ve been getting shakier and shakier hands every morning as my art becomes more and more detailed and it’s not from all the coffee that I’ve been drinking 😀 As the art becomes more and more detailed, my mind starts to panic. As I’m drawing, I’m seeing the foam popping away and the chocolate sinking …

Mighty Monday: Sailor Moon

I’m experimenting with a little bit of color, but have you have tasted food coloring? Bleh! It’s actually quite bitter even when mixed with syrup, so I don’t intend to use much coloring until I can work out a proper concoction of color that won’t taste like yucky bitterness. Ah, Sailor moon. My early teen …

Thank you, Maria

Here’s a thank you gift for Maria, current backer of our Kickstarter project. You are absolutely fantastic! Sketching with chocolate syrup is getting easier and easier every time I practice. It still requires a lot of patience – I can’t just start chocolate painting right away. I still have to wait for the chocolate to …

TARDIS Tuesday: Rose Tyler

This latte art is for JD Enterprise Group – Calgary for his pledge on our Kickstarter project! Thank you so much! For more complicated latte art, I tend to make a sketch beforehand so I know where everything should be placed. I don’t start the same way when I draw latte art as I do …